Monday, June 15, 2009


After posting these blog, as a blogger I think there are certain think that blogger have to follow. First, as a blogger we have to know the ethic of blogs. It is because we publish our writing to the public. Therefore, we have to give the accurate and reliable information. The public is entitled to as much information as possible on sources' reliability and never publish information they know is inaccurate (, 2005). Second, plagiarism is the most violation in blog ethics. Technological development has multiplied and diversified the vectors for creation, production and exploitation (Lenz, 2004). Therefore, copyright is very important in blog. Third, as a blogger we have to update with current issue and sensitive with the cultural differences. Otherwise, we have in neutral side because the reader can come from different background and culture. Fourth, blogger have to use colors and good design to catch reader attention. Color in a document or on a Web site have to eye-catching and appealing the readers (Reep, 2006).

List of References

  1. Cyberjournalist 2005,’A Bloggers' Code of Ethics’, Viewed 15 June 2009,<>
  2. Lenz, K.F 2004,’ Why Copyright is Important’, Lenz blog, Viewed 15 June 2009,<>
  3. Reep, Diana C. 2006, Chp 4: Principles of Document Design,’ in Technical Writing, 6th ed., Pearson Edu, Inc., New York, p.173-190.

OLD or NEW Face

Facebook which is almost has 30 million user launched new design layout. Layout is very important in web design. When you create a Web design, one of the more overlooked aspects of the design is the layout (Kyrnin, 2009).There are more then 100 users changed to the new design. This new design has a faster speed, more streamlined and spam resistant. According to Facebook Vice President of Marketing, Chamath palihapitiya this new format is motivated by feedback from the users about the trend of sharing their photos, videos, and others using the internet. This new design allows the user to fresh pictures, give messages, and use the application such as curriculum vitae, walls and graffiti.

OLD Face

NEW Face

These new design has a lot of benefits such as easier and more useful.According to Diana Reep (2006) design features directing people to increase the ability of readers to remember the important, increased the reader interested, and reflects the image you wish readers to have.However, There are number of people who doesn’t like this changes, they make a group on Facebook and protest about the new design. Palihapatiya believe that after using the new Facebook people will become familiar with the layout and features. Then they will know that the new layout is better than previous layout.The general principles of good design are balance, proportion, sequence, and consistency (Reep, 2006, p 135). From this explanation above I agree with the changes because this new layout is more useful and have good web design.

List of References

  1. AFP 2008, Facebook makeover leave some devotees fuming, AustralianIT, viewed 14 June 2009, <,24897,24328928-15318,00.html>
  2. Kyrnin, J. 1997, The Principles of Design,, viewed 14 June 2009, <>
  3. Kyrnin,J 1997, Basics of Web Layout,, Viewed 14 June 2009,<>
  4. Reep, Diana C. 2006, ‘Chp 4: Principles of Document Design,’ in Technical Writing, 6th ed., Pearson Edu, Inc., New York, p.173-190.

TAKE your phone, JOIN the Champaign

Print media and television now is not the only media to promote political Campaign, even though they still become the mainstream media. However, other media such as mobile technology and website also take the important role to promote the Campaign.
Take Obama for instance, he uses others technology such as mobile technology and website to promote his Champaign. It is because nowadays, website is become one of the most effective media to target public in America. Data from internet world stats in March 2009 shows that from 304,228, 257 people in America 227,190,989 people use internet regularly (internet world stats, 2009). Furtherore, According to Walsh 2006, people tend to choose website because web site provide text, graphic and image, and people can choose which information they want to read first according to their interest because every page is fragmented.

In Obama’s website there are a lot of features that helpful to promote their Champaign such as “call friends” application which uses to help people take a part on this Champaign, application includes notes, reminder on the election day, latest news about the Champaign, video, photos and other applications. This website is really useful to promote a Champaign because the information and the content engage people turned into votes. In non-print form which is website each designs are to engage people to not just learn about the event only but also to become in involved in the event (Walsh 2006, Vol 29, p. 31).

In addition, he also uses mobile technology which is Iphone to promote their Champaign. In addition, Obama and McCain take Web 2.0 such as Youtube and Facebook to advertise and to promote their profile on public.

List of References

  1. Internet world stats 2009, ‘Internet Usage Statistics for the Americas’, Viewed 12 June 2009, <>
  2. Ostrow, A 2008,’ Obama’s Campaign Slogan Becomes a Website’, mashable, Viewed 12 June 2009, <>
  3. Shiels,M 2008, ‘Obama uses iPhone to win support’, BBC News, 03 October 2008, Viewed 12 June 2009,<>
  4. Walsh 2006, The ‘textual shift: Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts’, Australian Journal of language and literacy, 29(1), pp 24-37

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Wade Goddard who is open “The War Photo Limited Gallery” displayed war photograph such as war in Dubrovnik back in the early 1990s and war between Israel and Lebanon. The idea of this gallery is to get the visual view from the war and to know exactly what happened during the war. Today, people almost forget about the war, through this gallery Wade Goddard tries to keep the memory of the war and make them aware about the conflict. Therefore, they will understand that war cause a lot of consequence such as dead women and dead children.

Photographs are different from television or newspaper. It because television and newspaper have editor who can choose what information, angle and text they want to publish and sometimes they just give the general information about the war because they are in neutral side. According to Kress & van Leeuwen (2006), reading words and images involve more senses compared to words alone.Furthermore, throughout image people can see actual situation to what happen at that time. Moreover, people can see what people feel at that time through their eyes or their expression on the pictures. Photographs are the most important to represent “real” situation in their real-life settings (walsh, 2006, p 32). In addition, every photograph has a meaning. Any given image contains a number of such representational and interactive relations (Kress & Leeuwen, 1996). Therefore, people can get involved through their feeling into the pictures.

List of References

  1. Heizman, S 2007, ‘The power of the photograph’, The Media Report, Viewed 9 June 2009, <>
  2. Kress, G. & van Leeuwen, T. 2006. Reading images. Chapter 6: The meaning of composition.
  3. 2001,’Mozilla Editor’, Viewed 8 June 2009, <>
  4. Walsh 2006, The ‘textual shift: Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts’, Australian Journal of language and literacy, 29(1), pp 24-37

Apologises of Last “Suharto” Supper

Tempo news weekly Indonesia apologize to all of Christians, because put the picture of former president of Indonesia, Suharto and his children on Leonardo Da Vinci’s painting, Last supper as a cover of their magazine. In this painting Suharto who died last month placed in the center which is Jesus Christ's place surrounded by his children. This picture was protested by the Christians because they think it is despise their religion. After the incident Tempo company put their apology “Tempo Magazine Apologizes” in the headline of Koran tempo newspaper, which is published by the same company. They said that they don’t want to hurt Christians, they just inspired by the Leonardo painting and not in the concept of holy bible.

This picture has controversial because there are two different perceptions about this picture. Every picture has its own meaning and its own perception. It depends on how people think about the picture. There are third element that set up by the image: the composition of the whole, the way in which the representational and interactive elements are made to related to each other, the way are integrated into meaningful whole (Krees& Leeuwen, 2006). Therefore, people will think differently. The different perception also caused by different experiences and different knowledge. Schema theory suggested that reader interact with text and construct their meaning by calling on their framework of prior knowledge and background experience of objects, situation, events, and action (Putnis & petelin 1996, p 230 ).

In this case, Christians think that last supper is holy painting, because based on their religion it was the last meal Jesus shared with his Twelve Apostles and disciples prior before he die and it contains many significant principles, and continues to be an important part of Christian lives throughout the world (all about Jesus , 2009). However, non- Christians think that it is famous beautiful panting that made by Leonardo Da Vinci. From the explanation above I conclude that people have different perception because they have different experiences and knowledge.

List of References

  1. ABC News 2009, Indonesian weekly apologizes over Last Supper Suharto, viewed 13th June 2009, <>
  2. All about Jesus Christ 2009,’The Last Supper- Dining with Christ’, viewed 10 June 2009, <>
  3. Kress, G. & van Leeuwen, T. 2006. Reading images. Chapter 6: The meaning of composition.
  4. Putnis, Peter & Petelin, Roslyn 1996, ‘Writing to communicate,’ in Professional communication.


Reach around 81 million visitors every month In US, lead YouTube become one of the most powerful and the largest online communication tools in the world (YouTubereport, 2009). YouTube is online video site that allows people to share, to upload and to find the videos according to their interest and hobbies. Moreover, User can also give comments to the video.

YouTube was found by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim in 2005. YouTube provides a lot of types of video such as entertainment, advertising, economics, educations and others. Nowadays, YouTube not only for share a video but also for promote political Champaign. The WaPo says the Obama administration will also make "online Q&As and video interviews" part of its communications strategy (Boutin, 2008). Obama will target the American audience trough YouTube to promote their campaign and to inform about his daily activity such as his speech or his diary in white house.

This website targeted teenager and young adult. In addition, YouTube is so popular because this website contained images with sound, animation, graphics, music and voice-over or write over. It designs to assist people, to attract and to maintain people interest (Wals, 2006, p 31).

List of References

  1. Beale, S 2008,’ Weekly Address by Barack Obama on YouTube’,, Viewed 5 June 2009, <>
  2. Boutin, P 2008,’ President Change dumps radio for YouTube’, Valleywag, Viewed 4 June 2009, <>
  3. Crunchbase 2009,’YouTube’, Viewed 4 June 2009, <>
  4. Walsh 2006, ‘The textual shift: Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts’, Australian Journal of language and literacy, 29(1), pp 24-37
  5. Youtubereport 2009,’They Laughed When I Said Youtube Was Important For Business – But Then I Showed Them The Figures’, viewed 4 June 2009, <>

Monday, June 8, 2009


Blog becomes something important among people nowadays. People use blog to many advantages such as find and share information about politics, law, education, fashion and others. According to Wikipedia (2007) blog is classify into personal blogs, corporate blogs, Questions blogging, by Media Type, by Device and by genre. Otherwise, According to Simons ( 2008) blog into 9 categories which are Pamphleteering blogs, Digest blogs, Advocacy blogs, Popular Mechanics blogs, Exhibition blogs, Gate water blog, Diary, Advertisement and News blog. Compare to both Statement, Wikipedia classify the blog into general categories. However, Simons classifies the blog in to specific categories in order to target the audience according to their needs and to make audience easier to find the specific information.

In addition, blog has its own community. This community is made by number of people who want to share detail information to the others according to their interest. Blogging communities are basically a place where bloggers gather and it may be formed around a popular or significant single user, or it may be a group compromising of bloggers with shared interest (
Meddling with the Media, 2008).

To build blogging communities there are several things that people have to follow such as they have to provide the best information, list the blog in popular website such as yahoo and Google, put a great title to attract people attention, make the blog helpful for other people, encourage participation, create outpost and others.

An example of blog community is Nuffnang. It is Asia’s first blog advertising community. It was created by Timothy Tiah and Cheo Ming Shen. In this blog people can gather, gain new friends and associates with others. In addition, Nuffnang has been featured on mainstream media which is newspaper from each country such as the star in Malaysia, The Sunday times in Singapore and others newspaper in order to give attention to information about what happened in those country. Moreover, people allows to maintain their own blogs and to advertisers’ graphic or video to other blogs that have link with this blog.

List of References

  1. Chrisbrogan 2008, 25 Ways to Build Your Community, Viewed 4 June 2009, <>
  2. Media report 2008, ‘a taxonomy of blogs’, abc radio national, Viewed 4 June 2009,<>
  3. Meddling with the media 2008, ‘The Different Types of Blogs’,Viewed 4 June 2009, <>
  4. Simons, M 2008,’ A taxonomy of blog’, abc online, Viewed 8 June 2009,<>
  5. White, N. 2006, Blogs and Community- launching a new paradigm for online community?,Australia Flexible Learning, viewed 4 June 2009, <>
  6. Wikipedia 2007,'Blog', Viewed 4 June 2009,<>


Blog becomes a social trend among people. Nowadays, candidates of president also have their own blog. People use blog to give comment regularly, announce and describe about some events, advertising, and other materials. According to Technorati (2008) most of people have advertising on their web blog. Blog is Web that overlooked by the mainstream media, at least is the proliferation of public diaries (Dvorak, 2002).

Blog and mainstream media has a lot of similarities such as have similar characteristic, style and form. Based on Technorati (2008) blog sphere has big influences and size. As a result, blog influence people around the world such as in Europe, Asian, Malaysia and other countries.

In Europe, There are more than 90% of people in Europe ever heard about blogging and more than 70 million of people in euro have blogging experiences (Ipsos MORI, 2006). Most of them use blog to keep up date with the events, policy issues, and current developments issues. In Asia, take china for example, there are more than 300, 000 blogger in china ( Borton, 2004). Most of them use blog to find the information, advertise, or to up date about government issues

In Malaysia, 28% of the Malaysian Top 50 Bloggers write about personal stuff, 16% write about politics, 16% write about technology (Gaman, 2007).However, politics blog has more influential to the community in Malaysia. It can be seen from the number of politic blogs in Malaysia such as, Jeff Ooi, anwar Ibrahim blog and others. According to Gaman (2007) Political blog such as Jeff Ooi is more influential than a personal blog such as According to Malaysia Alea Traffick ranking shows that there are more than 40.000 people visited It shows that Malaysians are more interesting to political blog.

List of References

  1. Alexa 2005, ‘’, Viewed 2 June 2009, <>
  2. Borton, J 2004,’ A blogger's tale: The Stainless Steel Mouse’, Asia Times online, Viewed 1 June 2009, <>
  3. Dvorak, J.C 2002, ‘The Blog Phenomenon’, PCmag, Viewed 2 June 2009,


  4. Fleishmana Hillard 2009, ‘How MEPs use the internet: where is the dialogue?’,Viewed 1 June 2009,<>

  5. Gaman 2007,’ 50 Most Influential Blogs in Malaysia’,, Viewed 1 June 2009, <>
  6. Slideshare 2009,’Business impact of blogs - Presentation Transcript’, Viewed 1 June 2009, <>

  7. Technorati 2008, State of the Blogosphere, Technorati, Viewed 30 May 2009, <>