Monday, June 8, 2009


Blog becomes something important among people nowadays. People use blog to many advantages such as find and share information about politics, law, education, fashion and others. According to Wikipedia (2007) blog is classify into personal blogs, corporate blogs, Questions blogging, by Media Type, by Device and by genre. Otherwise, According to Simons ( 2008) blog into 9 categories which are Pamphleteering blogs, Digest blogs, Advocacy blogs, Popular Mechanics blogs, Exhibition blogs, Gate water blog, Diary, Advertisement and News blog. Compare to both Statement, Wikipedia classify the blog into general categories. However, Simons classifies the blog in to specific categories in order to target the audience according to their needs and to make audience easier to find the specific information.

In addition, blog has its own community. This community is made by number of people who want to share detail information to the others according to their interest. Blogging communities are basically a place where bloggers gather and it may be formed around a popular or significant single user, or it may be a group compromising of bloggers with shared interest (
Meddling with the Media, 2008).

To build blogging communities there are several things that people have to follow such as they have to provide the best information, list the blog in popular website such as yahoo and Google, put a great title to attract people attention, make the blog helpful for other people, encourage participation, create outpost and others.

An example of blog community is Nuffnang. It is Asia’s first blog advertising community. It was created by Timothy Tiah and Cheo Ming Shen. In this blog people can gather, gain new friends and associates with others. In addition, Nuffnang has been featured on mainstream media which is newspaper from each country such as the star in Malaysia, The Sunday times in Singapore and others newspaper in order to give attention to information about what happened in those country. Moreover, people allows to maintain their own blogs and to advertisers’ graphic or video to other blogs that have link with this blog.

List of References

  1. Chrisbrogan 2008, 25 Ways to Build Your Community, Viewed 4 June 2009, <>
  2. Media report 2008, ‘a taxonomy of blogs’, abc radio national, Viewed 4 June 2009,<>
  3. Meddling with the media 2008, ‘The Different Types of Blogs’,Viewed 4 June 2009, <>
  4. Simons, M 2008,’ A taxonomy of blog’, abc online, Viewed 8 June 2009,<>
  5. White, N. 2006, Blogs and Community- launching a new paradigm for online community?,Australia Flexible Learning, viewed 4 June 2009, <>
  6. Wikipedia 2007,'Blog', Viewed 4 June 2009,<>

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