Monday, June 15, 2009

TAKE your phone, JOIN the Champaign

Print media and television now is not the only media to promote political Campaign, even though they still become the mainstream media. However, other media such as mobile technology and website also take the important role to promote the Campaign.
Take Obama for instance, he uses others technology such as mobile technology and website to promote his Champaign. It is because nowadays, website is become one of the most effective media to target public in America. Data from internet world stats in March 2009 shows that from 304,228, 257 people in America 227,190,989 people use internet regularly (internet world stats, 2009). Furtherore, According to Walsh 2006, people tend to choose website because web site provide text, graphic and image, and people can choose which information they want to read first according to their interest because every page is fragmented.

In Obama’s website there are a lot of features that helpful to promote their Champaign such as “call friends” application which uses to help people take a part on this Champaign, application includes notes, reminder on the election day, latest news about the Champaign, video, photos and other applications. This website is really useful to promote a Champaign because the information and the content engage people turned into votes. In non-print form which is website each designs are to engage people to not just learn about the event only but also to become in involved in the event (Walsh 2006, Vol 29, p. 31).

In addition, he also uses mobile technology which is Iphone to promote their Champaign. In addition, Obama and McCain take Web 2.0 such as Youtube and Facebook to advertise and to promote their profile on public.

List of References

  1. Internet world stats 2009, ‘Internet Usage Statistics for the Americas’, Viewed 12 June 2009, <>
  2. Ostrow, A 2008,’ Obama’s Campaign Slogan Becomes a Website’, mashable, Viewed 12 June 2009, <>
  3. Shiels,M 2008, ‘Obama uses iPhone to win support’, BBC News, 03 October 2008, Viewed 12 June 2009,<>
  4. Walsh 2006, The ‘textual shift: Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts’, Australian Journal of language and literacy, 29(1), pp 24-37

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